Arepa Café begun as a project inspired by the progress and growth of the city of Caracas experienced during the fifth decade of the twentieth century. The oil industry had an international presence in the country and its natural wealth started to be translated in public developments portraying progress and urban planning since the time of Gomez whom was one of the first investors of the nations capital of Venezuela.
Leo Matiz was a legendary Colombian photographer of the time, and had the great opportunity of documenting the life of Caracas during the years of bonanza, and particularly the way people lived during those days, in a city where progress gave an opportunity and changed its citizens for ever. His works shows the beauty and hope in the happening for the new Caracas.
A documentary has been shown at our restaurant on Queen Street West, and in our web site to remember the original inspiration, which gave creative fuel to the project Arepa Café, we are celebrating the second anniversary of Arepa in Toronto
Continuation of documentaries from arepacafe.ca:
Leo Matiz en Caracas, parte 2
Leo Matiz en Caracas, parte 3
On Saturday, October First two events will take place at Arepa Café. First, Soupalicious.ca at Exhibition Place serving Pisca Andina creation of Luis Manuel Cordoba, Principal Chef of our restaurant.
WHAT IS PISCA? A traditional Venezuelan breakfast dish, pisca andina is a type of simple cheesy potato soup that uses cilantro. Most common in the Andes mountain region, pisca andina is said to offer a warming solution to chilly mornings. Usually simple to make, this soup generally uses few ingredients and is often served with arepas, a type of corn tortilla.
And then, the evening of Nuit Blanche, the restaurant will be open until 4 am, fully license. Come and enjoy a Mill Street Organic Beer or a glass of Niagara Malivoire Wine, last call at four am.
We also serve Rum and Cokes to complete our small bar selection.
Arepas will be served all night. Art, friends, drinks and arepas for a nice break.
Arepa Café is very pleased to present as entertainment, The Upper Canada Choristers with the Latin Ensemble "Cantemos"

This is he begging of October for Arepa Café.
Harp concert at Arepa Café
Sunday Aug 14 at 12:30 pm
Come for Brunch and enjoy life music.
Presentando a Marielba Cartaya
interpretando el arpa, desde las 12:30 pm,
este Domingo 14 de Agosto, 2011
Brunch y Arpa Venezolana at AREPA
en colaboración con

In April 2011, a Registered Trademark was granted to our business Arepa Café.
AREPA and its design are an exclusive registered brand across Canada.
We are proud to have introduced the arepa to the city of Toronto.
Thanks for your support!
FRIDAY 10 AM - 10 PM
We thank all our customers for the great support!