The place of Arepas in T.O.
☛490 Queen Street West is our new home, located in the heart of downtown Toronto is our address from SEP 01, 2009. We purchased a coffee shop business operating there until the end of August. The store will be close for renovations, hopefully for about two months.
It took us about six months to encounter the right location with the right conditions. We are excited to have found it, and ready to start our venture with the business of arepas in Toronto.
Stay tune, the opening process will be documented in here for you to follow. Thanks for your support and don't forget to tell a friend about us.
Arepa Café, Inc.
venezuelan urbanity
490 QSW, Toronto

☛On August 22nd 2009, Venezuelans celebrated the summer by organizing a picnic for its community and the general public, it took place at Mel Latsman Square, North York. The picnic event was made real by the people of 'Fundación Cultural Alma Llanera'; organization founded in 2003, and supporters of talent, tradition, and culture from Venezuela.
Arepa Café team assisted the event and met a vibrant community working and living in the city of Toronto, we talked with our fellow venezuelans and introduced them to the arepa plan, we also were approached by some of the people asking about our location, welcoming the idea and expressing their support. We were happy to inform our progress and make new friends.
The group tasted some of the foods being sold, only to be delighted. The event was busy and happy with Venezuelans feeling at home, and visitors all excited about the splash of culture. They where eager to try the tasty dishes of our nation like: corn cachapas, golfeados con queso, tequeños, chicha, parrilla con yuca y guasacaca, cachitos among so much more, while the bands play in the open amphitheater. Vendors and artists placed in an urban setting all together to celebrate our heritage.
Arepa Café is a Venezuelan inspired project, and it is grateful to participate, contributing to the enjoyment of our community, and helping showcase our traditions.

Love to eat and run (bike)
by Jerry Waese.